Empowering Retailers to Overcome Challenges with Advanced Data Solutions


Does your pricing engine provide up-to-the-minute competitive insights?

Product Matching

Can your system efficiently compare your products with both similar and exact SKUs offered by competitors?


Do you have the analytics capabilities to monitor promotions across multiple platforms effectively?


Are you prepared to achieve a top-ranking position on the first page of search results and digital shelves?


Do inventory shortages and surplus stock lead to revenue losses for your business?


Can you accurately detect gaps in your product assortment and identify instances of SKU miscategorization?

Strategic Pricing and Promotions

Up to 94% of shoppers invest effort in searching for the best online prices.

Achieving 99% Accuracy in Competitor Price Matching & Comparison

  • Leverage AI-Powered Product Matching with 99% Accuracy for Ecommerce.
  • Automate Competitor Price Monitoring in the Ecommerce Sector.
  • Capitalize on Pricing and Inventory Gaps Overlooked by Competitors.

Optimize Pricing in Real Time with AI-driven Price Adjustments

  • Efficiently Manage and Optimize Prices for Thousands of Products Every 10 Seconds.
  • Leverage Historical Pricing Analysis to Develop Strategies Rooted in Past Trends.
  • Adapt Prices Dynamically in Response to Demand, Competitor Actions, and Market Trends.

Implement Rule-Based Dynamic Pricing

  • Establish Customized Pricing Rules to Protect Profit Margins.
  • Access Comprehensive Pricing Insights for Any Product Using URL or Product ID.
  • Offer Competitive Pricing Strategies Without Overemphasizing Deep Discounts, Balancing Profitability and Customer Attraction.

Gain the Buy Box Advantage with Our AI-Powered Smart Repricer

  • Gain Real-Time Insights into 1P and 3P Seller Data and Price Trends.
  • Monitor Competitor Prices and Product Availability Across Leading Platforms like Walmart, Amazon, and eBay.
  • Optimize Pricing Strategically with Intelligent Recommendations from Our Repricing Tool.

Strategize, Curate, and Optimize Product Catalogs & Assortments

  • Streamline Identification and Resolution of Assortment Gaps in Your Catalog.
  • Optimize Assortments Using Competitor Insights to Curate Ideal Product Selections.
  • Maximize SKU Lifetime Value with Comprehensive Product Lifecycle Analysis.

Ensure Optimal Inventory Management for Product Availability

  • Enhance In-Stock Availability by Monitoring Sales Velocity.
  • Utilize Demand Forecasting for Optimal Inventory Management.
  • Optimize Inventory Costs with SKU Rationalization Strategies.

Why consider Crossworlds for Retail Analytics?

Achieve an exceptional 99% accuracy in product matching.

Gain advantage from patented data extraction technology that spans global websites.

Experience swift 10-second data update intervals.

Gain valuable insights through Predictive Analytics and Trend Projections.

Utilize Retail AI across 6 continents and in more than 100 languages.

Effortlessly integrate with Plug & Play APIs.

Enhance Online Search Performance

  • Optimize Online Presence Across Search Platforms and Digital Shelves.
  • Monitor Visibility Across Search Platforms and Compare Ranking Performance with Competitors.
  • Categorize and Optimize Low-Performing SKUs to Boost Overall Performance.

Enhancing Product Visuals & Content

  • Optimize Product Listings with Enhanced Content for Improved SEO.
  • Enhance Product Listings with High-Quality Images that Showcase Products Effectively.
  • Utilize 'Product Improvement Scoring' to Identify and Optimize Areas for Product Enhancement.

Tracking Customer Ratings & Reviews

  • Identify Valuable Product Features Based on Trending Keywords to Enhance Value.
  • Monitor and Compare Competitor Reviews and Ratings for Strategic Insights.
  • Analyze Shopper Sentiment Using the 'Rating Dashboard' for a Comprehensive Understanding of Customer Opinions.